Please do all that you can to stay informed about emergencies. Sign up for all alerting systems available to you (and then make sure that your information there stays current).
Know your evacuation zone! See Sonoma County Evacuation Maps.
Be sure to sign up for SoCoAlert and Nixle! See Sonoma County’s Stay Informed page for links to signups for SoCoAlert and Nixle, information about NOAA weather alert radios, and information on other alerting systems.
Sign up with PG&E to receive alerts about Public Power Safety Shutoffs (PSPS) as well as notifications about local planned (or unplanned) outages.
If you live at The Sea Ranch, be familiar with the Emergency Information on TSRA’s website, and be sure you have signed up for their Everbridge notification system. Here is the signup form for TSRA owners. Here is the signup form to use if your house is a long-term rental.
Horicon School is generously supporting an emergency notification group for the Annapolis/Stewarts Point area on their “One Call Now” system. This system allows phone messages to be pushed out to everyone in the group when needed. Messages can go out instantly via phone, text and email. Messages are also translated into Spanish. To be added to the group please email OneCallNowWestSoCo. You may also fill out this google form, or scan this QR Code.
Remember that local radio stations provide up-to-date information on emergencies. Have an AM/FM radio that does not need to be plugged in to land power to work, and be familiar with local stations. (Yes, your vehicle radio will work in a pinch, but for extended situations are you going to sit in your car all day?)
KGUA Public Radio, Gualala, 88.3 FM
KTDE “The Tide”, Gualala, 100.5 FM
KSRO Santa Rosa, 103.5 FM, 94.5 FM, 1350 AM
The WATCH DUTY app is helpful for getting information on active significant fire incidents as well as prescribed burns. Watch Duty is NOT AN EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CHANNEL so please DO NOT rely on it for such. Sign up for the notification systems listed above.
The worst happens, and you need to evacuate. Do you have a “go-bag” ready? Sonoma County has good information on how to build a personal go-bag, as well as general preparedness information.